Richard Bates
Leavenworth (Lawrence via Telehealth), KS locations

Friends University
Masters in Science in Marriage and Family Therapy
BA in Elementary Education
About Richard
The relationship counselor
I am a veteran of the United States Air Force, grieved the loss of three children, have a blended family (father and a stepfather to two teens), and the most amazing relationship. Happy and fulfilling relationships do happen. And blended families can be very peaceful and fulfilling as well. I have both!
I was trained as a Marriage and Family Therapist in at Friends University and am trained to help individuals as well.. My qualifications include a Masters in Science in Marriage and Family Therapy with a license to practice in Kansas, a B.A. in Elementary Education and years of experience as a Registered Nurse in both ICU and mental health. I have been in practicing in mental health for twelve years, with eight of those years at this practice.
I will not ask you to do what I haven’t done myself; and what I have done is found peace, purpose, love, joy and understanding. A therapist helped me get there. I no longer have an anger problem, an unfulfilled life, or a life plagued with meaninglessness. Though able to help with many things, my particular areas of expertise are relationship difficulty, infidelity, sexual intimacy, pornography, teens, grieving and anger.
I can be reached directly by email at